Sunday 6 November 2016

Kevin Calisher - Tips For New Healthcare Consultants

As a healthcare consultant, Kevin Calisher has faced a number of challenges throughout the course of his career. He has risen to all of them, which has allowed him to ascend to the role of President of Calisher & Associates, Inc. Consultancy is difficult as it requires people to learn about new organizations constantly in order to solve problems. If you are considering this career path, this advice should help you along the way.

Listen To Clients
Your clients will be your most valuable source of information in regards to what needs to be done to bring a facility up to speed. Spend some time getting to know them and what they actually require. Listen to what they believe to be the problems that need fixing, while also keeping your eyes and ears open so you can spot issues they may not have prioritized.

Resistance Is Common
Many of the people you work with will be resistant to change, regardless of how much data you have to back your decisions. In many cases, this resistance will be rooted in emotion so it will be your job to find out what is holding your clients back and what concerns they have. Improvement is a collaborative process, so you need to dig deeper than the numbers in many cases.

Know Your Limits
Many consultants make the mistake of agreeing to everything asked of them because they are looking for work. This results in broken promises and shattered reputations. Understand what you can offer to clients and how this may apply in their situations.

Kevin Calisher has been a healthcare consultant since the late 1990s.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Kevin Calisher - Ideas For A Healthier ASC Revenue Cycle

During the course of a career in healthcare consulting that stretches back to the late 1990s, Kevin Calisher has been involved in the design, development and management of a number of ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). The financial health of such facilities is crucial if they are to offer quality services, so keep the following in mind to improve the revenue cycle at an ASC.

Trim The Fat

Many ASCs make the mistake of incorporating bloated business offices on the premises, which often results in money being wasted on areas of the facility that are not directly related to the service being provided to patients. Place careful consideration into the size of your business offices and make sure they operate at full capacity. A business office that is not working to improve the ASC at all times is one that may be a little bloated.

No Procrastination

If you think revenue may be an issue in your ASC, you need to start doing something about it as quickly as possible. Procrastination leads to the issue going unaddressed, which results in problems further down the line. Start taking steps towards making improvements from the moment you identify a problem.

Cut Out The Inefficiencies

There are many issues that may make an ASC less efficient. Poor coding in your systems could result in more time being spent recording data than is needed. A bad accounting system can lead to incorrect bills being provided, resulting in delayed payments. All of these inefficiencies will have an effect on the revenue generated by the ASC.

Kevin Calisher is an experienced healthcare consultant.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Kevin Calisher - Patient Safety Tips For Healthcare Facilities

Having been a healthcare consultant since the late 1990s, Kevin Calisher has a deep understanding of the importance of patient safety in all healthcare facilities. This should be a main priority for everybody, from those involved in the design and development of such facilities through to the physicians who will be working in them. The following are some useful patient safety tips that you should aim to follow.

Educate Patients
Many patients leave medical facilities, particularly surgical centers, with unclear ideas about what they need to do to ensure they enjoy good recovery periods. A focus on patient education reduces the risk. Focus on issues like the proper use of blood thinners and the importance of getting dosages correct. Poorly-educated patients are likely to end up back at the facility, which hampers the recovery process.

Use Good Design Principles
Patient safety should be considered from the moment you start designing blueprints for a medical facility. You can prevent injury by designing good patient rooms that present little opportunity for trips and spills. Other principles, such as creating centralized and easy-to-access nurse’s stations, must also be considered. You also need to provide well-lit, quiet spaces where physicians and pharmacists can do their work without distraction.

Constantly Analyze
You need to build a safety culture into your facility, which means designing and implementing a plan for all staff to follow. This is not all you need to do though, as it is crucial that you constantly measure performance against a number of key metrics. This will allow you to see where improvement is needed.

Kevin Calisher is the President of Calisher & Associates, Inc.

Friday 7 October 2016

Kevin Calisher - Tips For Designing an ASC

During his time at Calisher & Associates, Inc., Kevin Calisher has been responsible for the design and development of a number of medical facilities, including ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). This is a very involved process and there are a lot of things that can go wrong if you take your eyes of the ball. The following are useful pointers for those who want to design the best ASCs possible.

Listen To Clinical Staff
Your clinical staff are the ones who are going to spend the most amount of time in the ASC so it is crucial that you listen to what they have to say. Talk to them about their workflows, how they interact with patients and what the ASC needs to have to make them more efficient. If you fail to include your clinical staff you may find you end up with a design that doesn’t suit their needs.

Create Multiple Designs
You may have a favored design in mind, but committing to one idea without considering others could lead to you failing to see potential improvements. Create multiple designs and discuss them with all involved in the project. While there may be a clear favorite, you will likely find that some aspects of other designs can be incorporated into the chosen one to create a more cohesive whole.

Consider Future Expansion
Future growth should be considered at all times, so the design you follow needs to be scalable as and when needed. This may involve building new facilities or taking them from the businesses next door as and when the time arises.

Kevin Calisher has overseen the development of numerous ASCs.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Kevin Calisher - How to Succeed as a Project Manager

Project managers often have many responsibilities. In 1998, Kevin Calisher began working with Calisher & Associates, Inc. as a project manager. He developed a strong skill set in this field. He worked his way up through the company and in 2002, he became the vice president of operations. He was responsible for all project developments. Project managers are often skilled and knowledgeable professionals in their fields.

A good tip for succeeding as a project manager is to develop your communication skills. These professionals are often responsible for liaising with individuals in several different fields. Project managers may work with multiple departments within their own companies. They may also work with different companies. For example, project managers who work with property development may liaise with construction crews as well as architects and engineers.

Another tip for succeeding as a project manager is to hone your organizational skills. You may be responsible for balancing multiple projects. Therefore, it can be helpful to keep all of your paperwork organized.

A third tip for building a successful career as a project manager is to develop a strong knowledge of your industry. This can help you network and connect with other successful professionals. A strong knowledge can help you advance your career as a project manager.

Project management requires organization, knowledge, and communication. Kevin Calisher has years of experience as a project manager and a vice president of operations. He is a dedicated and hardworking professional who is using his skills to build a career as a health care consultant. 

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Kevin Calisher - What You Should Know About Ambulatory Surgery Centers

The health care industry is filled with innovations and advancements. Kevin Calisher has worked in this industry for over a decade. He began his career in this field with Calisher & Associates, Inc. in 1998. In 2002, he was promoted to vice president of operations. In this role, he was responsible for overseeing the development of ambulatory surgery centers. He has years of knowledge and experience in this industry. Ambulatory surgery centers are relatively innovative facilities that provide essential services.

Ambulatory surgery centers provide patients with same day surgical care. Physicians who work with these facilities often provide diagnostic as well as preventative procedures. These facilities provide outpatient care. These facilities also provide specialty care, including pain management, urology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, and cosmetic procedures.

It is also important to understand that ambulatory surgery centers are not urgent care centers or rural health centers. These centers are not physicians’ offices either, and cannot be used as primary care facilities. These centers provide services for patients who have already seen a primary care physician and have been recommended for surgery.

The Ambulatory Surgery Center Association oversees these facilities and the professionals who manage them. These outpatient surgery centers can help patients get the procedures they need on their schedules. These facilities play an important role in the health care industry. Kevin Calisher is an experienced business management and health care professional. While he was with Calisher & Associates, Inc. he helped develop many of these facilities and he gained experience in ambulatory surgery center administration.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Kevin Calisher - Earn Your Business Degree Today

A degree in business administration can help individuals start a career in several different fields. Kevin Calisher graduated from California State University, Long Beach in 2004. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He had already been working with Calisher & Associates, Inc. since 1998 and used this degree to advance his career. A business degree has several benefits.

There are many schools that have good business programs in the United States. These business programs often offer students a wide range of courses. Students who study business frequently develop skills in finance, accounting, business administration, and management. Students who graduate with a degree in business administration are often prepared to take on several roles in many different industries.

Earning a business degree can help young professionals in many ways. Not only are these professionals educated in the different fields of business, but they may also be exposed to different networking opportunities while they are students.  Business students are often able to attend industry conferences. They may also be able to make valuable business connections through their professors.

Many individuals choose to earn a business degree so that they can start a career. Some choose to work in administration, while others may become entrepreneurs. There are many industries that need individuals with training in business administration and management. Kevin Calisher used his degree to advance his career in the health care industry. He is a successful consultant, who has experience in project management, medical practice management, and project development.